關於我們 About HKBIS

關於我們 About HKBIS

(若有任何疑問,請聯絡biology@hokoon.edu.hk。For enquiry, please contact biology@hokoon.edu.hk)


香港生物多樣性訊息系統是一個為生物科及環境教育而設的大型資料庫。本計劃獲優質教育基金撥款,由可觀自然教育中心暨天文館推行。本資料庫載有超過 4000 個本地物種的生態照片及資訊、80個生態考察地點介紹,以及其他相關的教學資源。













某次晚間生態調查期間,當隊員專注拍攝之際,後方突然傳來沙沙的聲響。我們立即追尋聲音來源。電筒一照,一隻果子狸(Paguma larvata) 藏身於樹冠之中,牠靜止不動並用好奇的大眼打量我們。待習慣我們的存在之後,牠繼續在樹冠中覓食,靠粗壯四肢和利爪輕鬆地在枝幹間遊走,挑選成熟的榕果作食物。


我們把握任何紀錄物種的機會,連可觀中心的走廊樓梯也是拍攝熱點。某天來了一位可愛的不速之客﹣﹣藍尾石龍子(Plestiodon elegans),牠攀附在樓梯的垂直面,被路過的隊員發現。鮮藍色尾巴和身體五條間線是其辨認特徵,背部花紋顯示牠尚年幼。藍尾石龍子分佈於新界中部及長洲,在香港屬罕見品種。


當生態隊接獲罕見物種出沒情報,會出動搜尋,務求紀錄更多第一手照片及物種資料。近期我們紀錄了一個珍稀物種——三絲水玉杯(Thismia tentaculata)。它是腐生植物,只有在花期才較容易被發現。2008年它才首次於香港被發現,目前只分佈於香港和越南,全球已發現的植株總數少於50株。










(For enquiry, please contact biology@hokoon.edu.hk)


Hong Kong Biodiversity Information System (HKBIS) is a mega resources bank for biology education and environmental education. This Quality Education Fund-funded project is run by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre. This database includes pictures and ecological information of over 4,000 local species, 80 ecology study sites and other types of educational resources.



•Provide a platform for teachers and students to access comprehensive information of native biodiversity for teaching and learning purposes.

•Encourage teachers to use native examples in biology education and environmental education.

•Enrich teachers’ and students’ knowledge on local biodiversity and arouse students’ awareness of nature conservation.

•Provide comprehensive guidance and reference materials for students conducting investigation projects related to Hong Kong’s nature.


Our Work


Climbing the arduous Ma On Shan to look for wild Rhododendrons. Penetrating the deep forests of Pat Sin Leng to track elusive mammals. Diving in Hoi Ha Wan to observe reef fishes. These are part of our daily work.

Beginning from 2013, we spent 3 years surveying Hong Kong's diverse habitats, including forests, streams, wetlands, farmlands, rocky shores, intertidal zones, etc. Up to now, we have documented more than 4000 local species of animals, plants, fungi, etc. Among them are many rare and endangered species.

Photographing the organisms is just the start of an array of work. Afterwards we need to identify the organisms, put them in the modern classification framework, as well as to write species information based on literature, online resources and our field observations. We strive to make a comprehensive biodiversity information system for the study and appreciation of Hong Kong's biodiversity.

Production team

Biodiversity Survey Manager: WONG Chuk Kwan, SO Lok Hin

Project Supervisor: KWOK Chi Tai 

Teacher in charge of the project: YIU Vor

Biology teacher: WONG Chi Chun