使用指南 User Guide

使用指南 User Guide




若打算在沒有流動數據網絡覆蓋的地區使用資料庫,可預先下載本資料庫的流動程式( 名為HKBIS,在Google Play和App Store均可找到)。流動程式版的內容已簡化,不會經常更新






a. 瀏覽搜尋



b. 地圖搜尋



c. 進階搜尋





如你想多理解本網站中使用的用詞,特別是物種資訊頁面中的,你可到生態詞彚查看解釋。搜索中文用詞可用瀏覽器的搜尋功能「Control + F」或「Command + F」。



User information

Funded by Quality Education Fund, this website allows local students and teachers, after registration as a member, to view high-resolution photos and species information for not-for-profit teaching and learning purposes. To prevent educational uses be affected by data traffic overload, other members of the public can only browse the content of the website with limitations. Non local teachers and non local students must obtain prior approval from the website manager before registration as a member, contact:biology@hokoon.edu.hk

Mobile app version (both Android and iOS) of this Information System named HKBIS is available for use in rural places with no data connection. Contents of the mobile apps are reduced. The mobiles apps will not be updated as frequently as the web site.

User guide

1. Searching species by different methods


a. Browse search

Used when you rely on physical appearance and characteristics to identify an organism, especially when you do not know the name of the group of organisms it belongs to. The search starts from the top level i.e. the kingdom level. Simply click on the thumbnail that will most likely lead to the organism in question. As you proceed to lower levels, namely, phylum, class, order, etc., you will expect to find an exact or close match at the species level. If you have chosen the wrong path, do not worry and simply use the breadcrumb trail on top to navigate back to higher levels and try other groups of organisms.


b. Map search

You can look for species based on their locations. Choose the group of organisms you are interested in and click “Submit”. Navigate the resultant map and start searching. Note that the occurrence information only shows where we recorded a certain species and therefore does not reflect the distribution of that species in Hong Kong. Note also the locations of certain species, such as some rare or endangered species, are not disclosed in order to protect the species. As a result, you will not find such species by this search method.


c. Advanced search

When you want to search using a combination of criteria e.g. diet, conservation status, you can use advanced search. This search method works well for plants which may not be easily identified using browse search. You can input group names, common names or scientific names in the search box, or choose options under different filters, or make use of both at the same time. You can narrow down your search by progressively using more criteria to search. But please note you may not get any search result if you apply too many filters.


2. Biological and other terms


When you come across new terms in this website, usually in a species detail page, you can look for explanation in the GLOSSARY page. You can make use of the web browser search function i.e. entering search words after pressing “Control” + “F” (or “Command” + “F”) to search Chinese terms.