鳴謝及網頁聲明 Acknowledgement and Website Notice

鳴謝及網頁聲明 Acknowledgement and Website Notice




溫兆銘先生、劉紹基先生、周華威先生、Paul Cheung 、Tommy Hui 詳細審閱本網站內容,並提供精闢意見。




Bond Shum, Cat Gor, Chimpanzee, Christina YM Chan, Chu Wai Ming, Fung Hon Shing Ken, Gary Chan, Janice Lo, Kaman Sun, Kwok Chi Tai, Kwok Tsz Ki, Mandy Wong, oLDcaR, Ray So, Ringo Wong, Yiu Vor, YWYiu, 明






使用者瀏覽「香港生物多樣性訊息系統」(www.nature.edu.hk) 或其任何網頁,即表示你已無條件接受此版權告示的條款並同意遵守。你同意使用本網站及網站所提供的服務並僅用作合法用途,並以不侵犯任何第三方的權利,不限制或不禁止任何第三方使用本站的方式使用本網站。




A. 私隱政策聲明

可觀自然教育中心暨天文館法團校董會(下稱「可觀中心」)須遵守香港法例第 486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》,並會對可觀中心所取得的個人資料盡力加以保護及保密。


B. 資料收集

1.         可觀中心主要在以下情況收集及儲存閣下的個人資料:

  • 閣下登記成為《香港生物多樣性訊息系統》的會員;

2.         可觀中心收集得來的資料乃源於瀏覽者自願提供。在一般情況下,可觀中心絕不會在未經閣下事先同意或被知會下將閣下提交的任何資訊或個人資料出售、交換或披露予第三者。只有經授權的可觀中心職員可無需閣下批准或被知會下為行政管理目的查閱閣下的個人資料。

3.         在特殊情況下,可觀中心有權在未經閣下事先同意或被知會下,向第三者披露或發放閣下的個人資料。該等特殊情況包括:保障可觀中心及其用戶的權利、權益、版權及知識產權,偵查或調查非法活動,執行法律規定的任何程序,以及保障用戶及公眾的個人安全等。

4.         可觀中心有權使用閣下提供的個人資料作統計及資料分析用途,及保留權利使用該等資料統計分析的結果,但不包括能識辨當事人身份的任何資料。有關統計分析結果的擁有權及所有權屬可觀中心所有,可觀中心亦保留權利公布、使用及出版有關的結果。


C. 資料保密

1.         每位已登記為《香港生物多樣性訊息系統》用戶均擁有一個私人密碼,用戶必須使用密碼,方能查閱儲存在本網站內的個人資料

2.         可觀中心系統會確保只有使用密碼方能查閱個人資料

3.         可觀中心會盡力將儲存在可觀中心系統內的個人資料保密,但不會對資料傳送的安全和保密作出保證或聲明。若閣下發現個人資料在未經授權下遭洩漏,請即與我們聯絡。

4.         閣下有責任保存及防止讓第三者獲悉閣下的密碼。可觀中心只會負責保障儲存在其系統內的密碼的安全。

5.         閣下應避免將密碼儲存於電腦硬碟內。閣下退出系統後應隨即關閉瀏覽器視窗,以防其他人讀取閣下的個人資料。


D. 使用條款及條件

歡迎閣下進入及瀏覽《香港生物多樣性訊息系統》網站 (www.nature.edu.hk) ,或登記為會員。於進入、瀏覽及於可觀網上資源庫登記為會員或其他一般參觀者(統稱「用戶」),表示閣下已同意一直遵守本使用條款及條件(「條款」)。

1.         資料、密碼及保安條款

1.1      閣下同意︰

            a.        在遞交予可觀中心的所有在線及離線登記表上及其他文件中,提供所有必要的資料,而該等資料必須為準確、現行及完整;

            b.        不時維持及更新所有遞交予可觀中心的資料,使其保持準確、現行及完整。

1.2      可觀中心擁有絕對酌情權可於不一定向閣下發出通知的情況下,因未有活動記錄、違反任何條款或其他原因而終止閣下進入、瀏覽或於可觀中心網站登記,且毋須就此向閣下承擔法律責任或追索權。

1.3      閣下須將閣下的《香港生物多樣性訊息系統》網站賬戶登入密碼及資料或其他登記資料保密,並負責其安全。 閣下同意如閣下的密碼或資料在未獲閣下授權的情況下遭他人使用或存取,閣下需要立刻通知可觀中心。可觀中心將採取所有其認為適當的行動,以確保《香港生物多樣性訊息系統》網站的安全及完整,該等行動包括但不限於監察及記錄互聯網活動及網絡位址、核實用戶資料、追查及追蹤資料流向。


2.         知識產權

2.1      閣下同意遵守中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(「香港特別行政區」)的所有知識產權法(「知識產權法」)。

2.2      閣下同意不會進行任何違反知識產權法或侵害《香港生物多樣性訊息系統》網站內任何資料的知識產權及/或其他專有權利或導致其受侵害的活動,閣下亦同意不會將《香港生物多樣性訊息系統》的任何部分連接至任何可能會進行上述侵權活動的網站。該等侵權活動包括︰






3.         其他







We would like to thank, in addition to Quality Education Fund, all the people and parties who have offered help to the HKBIS project. Their generous help has greatly enhanced the website and the accuracy of its information.

Mr. Mathew Wan, Mr. Siu Ki Lau, Mr. Wah Wai Chau, Mr. Paul Cheung and Mr. Tommy Hui reviewed this site's content in detail, and provided insightful comments.

A big thank you to Miss Yip Chiu Ha who gave the website a beautiful logo showcasing our rich local biodiversity.

We also owe our thanks to the following persons for adding quality wildlife photos to our database:

Bond Shum, Cat Gor, Chimpanzee, Christina YM Chan, Chu Wai Ming, Fung Hon Shing Ken, Gary Chan, Janice Lo, Kaman Sun, Kwok Chi Tai, Kwok Tsz Ki, Mandy Wong, oLDcaR, Ray So, Ringo Wong, Yiu Vor, YWYiu, 明



Copyright Notice


Hong Kong Biodiversity Information system (HKBIS) is maintained for not-for-profit education use.

By using this site or any of its webpages, you indicate that you accept these terms of use and that you agree to abide by them. You agree to use this site and the services it provides only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of any third party, nor restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of this site by any third party.

We aim to update our site regularly and may change the content at any time.



Privacy Policy and Data Collection Statement


A. Privacy Policy Statement


The Incorporated Management Committee of Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre (HKNEAC) shall comply with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong and is committed to provide protection and endeavors to keep in strict confidence any personal data received by HKNEAC.

You are requested to read this privacy statement very carefully, so as to ensure that you fully understand how the HKNEAC will handle your personal data when you are utilizing the HKNEAC website and the service of resources database. Your continued use of the HKNEAC website and the service of resources database constitutes your acceptance to the liability and policy statement posted hereunder. HKNEAC may amend, vary or add to this policy statement without any notice to you. Please check this website regularly for the relevant policy statement. If you continue to use HKNEAC 's website after the amendment of the policy statement, you are deemed to have accepted the relevant amendment/variation


B. Data Collection


1. HKNEAC primarily collects and keeps your personal data when you register as a member at HKBIS;


2. HKNEAC collects personal information from site visitors on a voluntary basis. Under general circumstances, HKNEAC will not sell, trade or disclose any information or personal data you provided to us to any third party without your prior consent or notice to you. Only authorized staff of HKNEAC has access to your personal information for administrative purposes without your authorization or notice to you.


 3. Under special circumstances, HKNEAC shall have the right to disclose or release your personal data to any third party without your prior consent or notice to you. The said special circumstances include the protection of the rights, interests, copyright and intellectual property rights of HKNEAC and its users, and the investigation or inquiry of illegal activities and any procedures required by law and the protection of the personal safety of the users and general public, etc.


 4. HKNEAC reserves the right to use the personal data you provided for statistical and data analysis and reserves the right to use the results derived from the statistical analysis of such information, which shall not include any personally identifiable information. HKNEAC is the owner and proprietor of the results generated from such statistical analysis and reserves the right to announce, use and publish the same.


 C. Data Security


1. Every registered user of HKBIS is provided with a private password and access to personal data stored on the HKNEAC's website is only permitted with the use of password.


 2. HKNEAC system ensures that access to personal data is only permitted by using such password.


 3. HKNEAC endeavors to protect the confidentiality of personal data stored in the system of HKNEAC but it does not give any warranties or representations of the safety and security of data transmission. In the event that you become aware of any unauthorized disclosure of your personal data, please contact us immediately.


 4. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your passwords in your possession and not to reveal your password to any third parties. HKNEAC is only responsible for the security of passwords stored within our system.


 5. You should avoid storing your password in the computer hard disk, and you must close the browser window immediately after you have logged out in order to prevent others from accessing your personal data.


 D. Terms and Conditions of Use


We welcome you for accessing and browsing the HKBIS website (www.nature.edu.hk), or registering to become a member of Ho Koon Resources Database under the website of HKNEAC. By accessing, browsing or registering as a member or other casual visitor of HKNEAC (together, the "Users"), you have agreed to at all times abide by these terms and conditions of use (the "Terms").


1. Provision of Information, Password and Security


1.1 You agree to :

a. provide on all online and offline registration forms and other documents submitted to HKNEAC all required information and such information must be accurate, up-to-date and complete;

b. maintain and update all information submitted to HKNEAC from time to time, so as to keep them accurate, up-to-date and complete.


1.2 All access to, browsing of, registrations with or accounts under the website of HKNEAC and other related privileges are liable to be terminated, for reasons of inactivity, breaching any of the Terms or otherwise, at our sole discretion without any liability or recourse, with or without notice, to you.


1.3 You shall keep the password and other login information of your HKBIS account strictly confidential and be responsible for their security. You agree to inform us immediately if such password or information has been used or accessed without your authorization. We reserve the right to take all actions in securing the safety and integrity of HKBIS as we deem appropriate, including without limitation monitoring, recording internet activities, internet protocol addresses, verifying user information, tracing and tracking information flow.


2. Intellectual Property Rights


2.1 You agree to comply with all intellectual property laws (the "IP Laws") of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (the "HKSAR").


2.2 You agree not to conduct any activity not in compliance with the IP Laws, or infringe or cause to be infringed any intellectual property right and/or other proprietary right of any material on the website of HKNEAC, and you agree not to link any part of the HKNEAC website to any website which may conduct such infringing activities. Such infringing activities include, for instance: - Infringement of copyrights, trademarks, patents or other intellectual or proprietary rights of any party (the "IP Rights"); Breach of any security measure for protection of IP Rights, including registration codes or use of hackers' tools; Copy, reproduce or exploit in any way contents of websites without prior authorization or consent; Supply pirated files or links to such files.


 3. Other


 HKNEAC reserves the right to amend these Terms without any prior notice.