文章 Articles

禦敵 Defense

為求生存,生物必須避免或應對周遭的危險。防禦,是生物應付敵對生物(主要為捕獵者)的方式。 防禦分不同層次: 1.免被察覺 「預防勝於治療」﹣對付敵人的最佳方法, ...
To survive, organisms must develop ways to avoid or counter dangers around them. We call the methods they use to cope with enemy organisms (mostly predators) &l ...

亞種?變種? Subspecies? Varieties?

地球上的生物成千上萬 ,為了方便研究,科學家都會把各種物種分類、命名。物種以不同級別分類,順序為:域、界、門、綱、目、科、屬、種,物種的學名則是取其屬名及種名合 ...
There are millions of living beings on earth. To better study them, scientists classify and name different organisms with a series of taxonomic hierarchy. From ...

雙色胡蜂 Vespa bicolor

去年四月,可觀自然教育中心迎來一批新的住客 --雙色胡蜂。並見證著一幕又一幕由築巢至蜂群被殲滅至末落的過程。  雙色胡蜂 在大自然,我們不難發現以群體 ...
Last April , Ho Koon Natural Education Center welcomed a new batch of resident-- Vespa bicolor. We witnessed the process from the build up to the wipe out of th ...

生境破壞 Habitat Destruction

香港提供了各種不同的生境,讓大量的物種得以棲息。然而,當棲息地遭受破壞,以致不能支持物種在該地居住,便會導致物種流失,甚至令一些特有物種滅絕,造成生物多樣性下降 ...
Hong Kong possesses various types of habitats for many different species to live in. However, when these habitats are degraded or destroyed, they can no longer ...