文章 Articles

沿岸植物的適應 Coastal Plant Adaptations

在沿岸地帶,不難發現植物的縱影,例如各種紅樹和沙灘植物。可是,要在這些環境生長,植物需要面對幾個難題。第一,泥土、水中鹽分太高;第二,泥土太濕,氧氣太少;第三, ...
It is not difficult to find plants such as mangroves and sandy beach plants in coastal areas. However, to survive in this environment, there are some challenges ...

鳥喙和食性的關係 Bird Bills and Feeding Behaviours

生物在億萬年的演化過程中,會演化出某些身體結構和形態,以適應環境和增加生存機會。 鳥類喙部的形狀和大小是最明顯的例子之一,這與其食性有莫大關係。譬如專捕捉魚類為 ...
Through billions of years of evolution, organisms would evolve certain body structures and physiques to adapt to the environment, and thus increase their chance ...