考察地點 Field Sites

印洲塘 Yan Chau Tong

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description

印洲塘為於新界東北,船灣郊野公園的東北岸,是一個覆蓋兩個海灣的海岸公園。印洲塘主要有兩種潮間帶生境,分別是海草床和紅樹林。印洲塘的海草床有兩種海草-日本大葉藻(Zostera japonica)和圓葉喜鹽草(Halophila ovalis)。而香港記錄到的8種紅樹都能在印洲塘的紅樹林找到。除了潮間帶外,在荔枝窩對出的海灣淺水區裏也長着茂密的石珊瑚群落,品種也非常豐富(39種)。

Yan Chau Tong is in the northeastern shore of Plover Cove Country Park in northeastern New Territories. It is a Marine Park composed of two bays. There are two main intertidal habitats, which are seagrass beds and mangroves. There are two species of seagrass, which are Japanese Eel Grass (Zostera japonica) and Halophila Seagrass (Halophila ovalis). All 8 species of mangroves recorded in Hong Kong can be found in Yan Chau Tong. Apart from the intertidal zone, at Lai Chi Wo, a hard coral community flourishes in shallow part of the bay, with high species richness (39 species).