考察地點 Field Sites

汀角東 Ting Kok East

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description

汀角東位於新界東部,背靠八仙嶺,面向船灣海,在大埔龍尾灘和汀角具特殊科學價值地點之間。汀角處於一個隱蔽型海灣,基質以沙粒混雜散落的礫石為主,豐富品種的潮間帶生物能在這裏找到,包括罕有兼具保育價值的管海馬(Hippocampus kuda)。由於政府在2012年決定於龍尾灘建人工泳灘,因此打算以囊括汀角具特殊科學價值地點及汀角東的「汀角+」保育計劃以補償對環境的影響。唯保育計劃尚未啟動,由2014底開始汀角東已不斷出現非法傾倒泥頭和廢料,面積足足有3.8公頃(約4個標準足球場),徹底地覆蓋了本來的生境,而內含的重金屬化合物亦可能會造成污染,因此計劃成效教人質疑。

Ting Kok East is in the eastern part of New Territories, facing the Plover Cove, and its back is Pat Sin Ling. It is in between the Lung Mei Beach and Ting Kok Site of Special Scientific Interest. Ting Kok is a sheltered Bay and its substratum is mainly sandy with rubbles scattered on the sandy flat. There is high species richness including the rare yellow seahorse (Hippocampus kuda) of conservation concern. In 2012, the government decided to approve the construction of artificial beach on Lung Mei Beach and therefore implemented a conservation plan called Ting Kok Plus which covers Ting Kok Site of Special Scientific Interest and Ting Kok east. However, starting from the end of 2014, dumping of construction waste has been occuring in Ting Kok east and the area affected is about 3.8 hectares(around the size of 4 football courts), which has totally covered the original habitats and the heavy metal chemicals inside may lead to pollution. Therefore, the effectiveness of the conservation plan is doubtful.

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