考察地點 Field Sites

大埔滘 Tai Po Kau

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description

大埔滘自然護理區位於新界中部,佔地460公頃,是香港的首個特別地區。樹林自海拔50米伸延至650米的草山山頂,同時也是香港較成熟茂密的次生林。自然護理區內植物品種豐富,且生境多樣,例如次生林、植林、草地、 淡水河溪及水池,為多種野生動物提供覓食及棲息處。大埔滘亦是觀賞林鳥的絕佳地點,曾記錄超過160種雀鳥。


Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve is located in central part of New Territories, with an area of 460 hectares, and it is the first Special Area in Hong Kong. The vegetation extends from 50m above sea level to the Grassy Hill at 650m, meanwhile it is a relatively mature and dense secondary forest in Hong Kong. There is a great species richness of flora and high diversity of habitats such as secondary forest, plantation, grassland, freshwater stream and pond, providing foraging ground and residence for a variety of animals. Moreover, Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve is a very good point for watching forest birds and more than 160 species of birds have been recorded there.

There are numerous well-maintained trails in the reserve to choose from. The Red Walk and the Nature Trail are relatively easy and suitable for carrying out field surveys.