大帽山 Tai Mo Shan
生境 Habitats
地點介紹 Site Description
大帽山位於新界中部,高達957米 ,是香港的最高峰,雨量最多及氣溫最低的地方(冬季可結霜)。因為受到氣候及地理因素所限,樹林主要生於海拔600至700米以下,其上的高地生境則以灌木及草叢為主 。一些居於高山生境且受威脅的物種如大頭龜(Platysternon megacephalum)及棘胸蛙(Quasipaa spinosa)都能在這裏找到,但牠們均受到非法捕獵威脅。若在澗中發現捉龜的籠,請撥打1823通知漁護署。
大帽山的植物種類極豐富,不少品種在香港只在此找得到,更不斷有新物種和新紀錄在此發現,例如嘉道理盆距蘭(Gastrochilus kadooriei)和三絲水玉杯(Thismia tentaculata)。
Tai Mo Shan is located in central New Territories. At 957 metres tall, it is the highest peak in Hong Kong with the highest rainfall and lowest temperature (frost can be formed in winter). Forests are found mostly under 600 to 700 metres of elevation due to climatic and geographical limitations. Higher than that shrubs and grasslands predominate. Some species that are adapted to high-altitudes and threatened such as Big-headed Turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) and Giant Spiny Frog (Quasipaa spinosa) can be found. However, they are facing threats like illegal trapping. If turtle traps are found in streams, please contact AFCD at 1823.
Plant diversity in Tai Mo Shan is very high, with many Hong Kong species only found in the area. There are even new species and new records found, such as the orchid Gastrochilus kadooriei and Thismia tentaculata.