考察地點 Field Sites

沙羅洞 Sha Lo Tung

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description

沙螺洞位於新界東北部,被八仙嶺郊野公園環抱,主要生境為淡水溪流及季節性濕地、棄耕農地及風水林。沙羅洞的河道及東北部的淡水沼澤屬於「具特殊科學價值地點」 ,而漁護署則認為沙螺洞是緊接米埔後的第二個須優先加強保育地點。沙羅洞是香港蜻蜓品種最多得地方,共有72種蜻蜓,包括香港特有種伊中偽蜻(Macromidia ellenae);14種兩棲類動物和95 種蝴蝶,以及各種少見物種如香港特有種香港鬥魚(Macropodus hongkongensis)及穿山甲 (Manis pentadactyla)等等。沙羅洞有一半土地屬於私人土地,有發展商在向村民收地後打算興建骨灰龕,因此向政府申請利用「公私營界別合作計劃」,在營運骨灰龕的同時,資助環團在沙羅洞進行保育工作,但在該處興建骨灰龕對自然環境的影響依然備受爭議。


Sha Lo Tung is located in the northern New Territories and surrounded by Pat Sin Leng Country Park. Its major habitats include freshwater stream, seasonal wetland, abandoned farmland and Fung Shui Woodland. The streams in Sha Lo Tung and its marsh on the northeastern part belong to Site of Special Scientific Interest and it is regarded as the second Priority Sites for Enhanced Conservation, just after Mai Po. Sha Lo Tung has the highest dragonfly species richness and 72 species has been recorded including a Hong Kong endemic species, Macromidia ellenae. Moreover, 14 amphibian species and 95 butterfly species as well as other rare species such as a endemic fish species, Hong Kong Paradise Fish (Macropodus hongkongensis) and Chinese Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) etc have been recorded. Half of the land in Sha Lo Tung is private land and a developer wants to construct columbaria on the land after buying the ownership from villagers. Therefore a Public-Private Partnership is applied to let the developer to build columbaria and at the same time provide money to environmental groups to do conservation work in Sha Lo Tung. However, the environmental impact of having columbaria on a natural habitats still arouse heated debate.

The habitats have suffered numerous destructions through the years. At the end of 2015, large stretches of seasonal wetlands and abandoned farmland were bulldozed in the name of reviving farming activities. The future of Sha Lo Tung's conservation is not optimistic.