考察地點 Field Sites

䃟頭 San Tau

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description

䃟頭位於大嶼山北岸,赤角機場以南。䃟頭有一個約2.7公頃被幼細沙礫覆蓋着的隱蔽淺灘,其紅樹林及海岸屬於「具特殊科學價值地點」範圍內。紅樹林前方的潮間帶泥灘是矮大葉藻(Zostera japonica)和喜鹽草(Halophila ovalis)的海草床; 同時,䃟頭是香港兩種鱟(馬蹄蟹)的繁殖及孕養場,是本地少數同時有中國鱟(Tachypleus tridentatus)和圓尾鱟(Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)生活的泥灘。除此以外,䃟頭亦是觀賞蝴蝶的熱點,大埔環保會曾錄得140種蝴蝶,而該處亦曾在2011年發現本地首次記錄的蝴蝶品種-小豹律蛺蝶(Lexias pardalis)。

San Tau is located in the northern shore of Lantau Island, on the south of Chek Lap Kok Airport. There is a shallow sheltering beach of about 2.7 hectares with fine sand and silt and its mangrove and shore is in the area of Site of Special Scientific Interest.  The intertidal mudflat in front of the mangroves supports a seagrass bed of Zostera japonica and Halophila ovalis. Moreover, San Tau is a breeding and nursery ground for two species horseshoe crabs, Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and in Hong Kong, it is uncommon to have both species of horseshoe crabs living in the same shore. Apart from the intertdial zone, San Tau is also a butterfly hotspot where Environmental Association has recorded 140 species of butterflies and a new species to Hong Kong, Lexias pardalis, was the first time to be recorded in San Tau in 2011.