考察地點 Field Sites

薄扶林 Pok Fu Lam

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description

薄扶林郊野公園位於港島西區,在1979成立 ,面積達270公頃 ,環繞薄扶林水塘。該水塘於1863年建成,為香港首個人工興建的水塘,水源來自山頂南部。薄扶林郊野公園現已成為香港林木覆蓋狀況最好的地區之一,成齡的混合林和林中的山澗中可找到多樣化的兩棲及爬行類動物但可能源於寵物棄養,目前有一個外來品種的爬行類-中國水龍 (Physignathus cocincinus) (成年體長約60至90公分),在薄扶林郊野公園建立族群,牠們對本地生態的影響值得研究和關注。

Designated in 1979, Pokfulam Country Park is a 270-hectare sylvan sanctuary at the western part of Hong Kong Island, encompassing Pokfulam Reservoir. The Reservoir is the first man-made reservoir in Hong Kong, which was built in 1863, with water source from the southern slopes of Victoria Peak. Pokfulam Country Park is now one of the best forested areas in Hong Kong, with established mixed forests, associated hill streams and diversified species of amphibians and reptiles can be found. However, there is a population of exotic reptile, Chinese Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) (adult size 60-90cm), maybe due to pet abandonment and its impact on local ecosystem is worth research and attention.