考察地點 Field Sites

丙崗 Ping Kong

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description

丙崗位於新界北部,是新界北僅有的連貫農地帶。其生境多樣化,包括農地、荒地、濕地及山邊灌叢,均是考察低地物種的好地方。香港觀鳥會的調查曾紀錄得超過150種雀鳥,其中罕見的黑冠鳽(Gorsachius melanolophus)更只曾於丙崗確認有繁殖。在2011年曾有發展商擬將二十點九公頃的農地改為綜合發展區,興建一百八十四幢三層高豪宅,引起居民和環團反對。在2013年,申請人已撤回城規會申請。

Ping Kong is located in the northern New Territories, forming a relatively continual agricultural zone in northern New Territories. It has diverse habitats, including farmland, abandoned farmland, wetland, shrubland and these are good sites for investigating lowland species. According to the survey conducted by Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, there is a record of over 150 species of birds, in which the Malayan Night Heron, a rare species in southern China, was only found to breed in Ping Kong. In 2011, a developer planned to convert 20.9 ha of agricultural landuse into comprehensive development area so as to construct 184 of 3-levels luxury residential blocks. This aroused strong opposition from local residents and environmental groups. The application to Town Planning Board was withdrawn in 2013.