考察地點 Field Sites

坪輋 Ping Che

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description

坪輋位於新界北區粉嶺東北一帶,打鼓嶺以南的位置。坪輋在昔日是輋族的居住地之一,輋族選擇較平坦的斜坡,運用「刀耕火耨」方式,以火將野草、樹木燒燬,再利用所造成的草木灰作肥料,然後將禾稻種子撒在土地上,任由它們各自生長,至禾稻成熟時收割,這種在斜坡上的耕作方式稱為「輋」,與田種有別。坪輋現時有多個有機農場,而該處禾徑山村的風水林,有多棵大樟樹(Cinnamomum camphora),其中兩棵被譽為禾徑山神木,估計樹齡達200年以上。政府本打算在坪輋建特殊工業及中低密度新發展區,到2013年因村民和公眾強烈的反對聲音而修訂東北發展計劃時決定將坪輋押後發展,發展隱憂尚在,村民仍未能安枕無憂。

Ping Che is a village in the south of Ta Kwu Ling, northeast New Territories.  The Che people used to live there. They chose some gentle slopes and cleared up the weeds and trees by fire and the ash became natural fertilizers for the soil and cereal seeds were sowed on the soil, grew freely and harvested when mature. This type of farming on a slope is called "Che".  There are some organic farms in Ping Che and in front of the Wo Keng Shan village, there is a Fung Shui Wood with a number of big camphor trees (Cinnamomum camphora), with two exceptionally big individuals estimated to have lived for more than 200 years. The government has planned to develop Ping Che into a new town but the development plan is postponed due to strong objection from villagers and the general public. However, this does not mean this peaceful rural village can get rid of development.

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