考察地點 Field Sites

白沙澳 Pak Sha O

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description

白沙澳是西貢北的一個地方,位於海下的上游、黃石碼頭之西北,四周被西貢西郊野公園包圍 。 根據綠色力量的生態調查,白沙澳擁有75種蝴蝶 、11種淡水魚、8種兩棲動物、38種鳥類及23種爬蟲動物。白沙澳村有100年歷史,是西貢西郊野西公園內保存得最好的一條古舊村落,村內仍保留着舊有建築物的特色 ,浮雕壁畫 、古老門框仍然可見 。土地規劃上,白沙澳是一塊「不包括土地」,因此它並不受《郊野公園條例》保護,而近年有環團調查發現白沙澳的濕地被大規模挖掘破壞,白沙澳急需完善的法例保護和監管。

Pak Sha O is situated in the North of Sai Kung and it is at the upper stream of Hoi Ha and northwest of Wong Shek Pier and surrounded by Sai Kung West Country Park. According to the ecological survey conducted by Green Power, there are 75 species of butterflies, 11 species of freshwater fish, 8 species of amphibians, 38 species of birds and 23 species of reptiles in Pak Sha O. The Pak Sha O village has a history of 100 years and is the best preserved old village in Sai Kung West Country Park. Original rural architectural features like relief murals and old-style decorated doorways can still be seen today. In terms of landuse zoning, Pak Sha O is an 'enclave' and therefore it is not under the protection of Country Parks Ordinance. In recent years, the wetlands in Pak Sha O were found to be dredged and damaged in large scale. Pak Sha O desperately needs comprehensive legal protection and monitoring.