考察地點 Field Sites

梅子林 Mui Tsz Lam

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description




Mui Tsz Lam a village that belongs to Ma On Shan Country Park area. It has many diversed habitats, Examples are secondary forests, fengshui forests behind the villages, farmlands, shrublands and freshwater streams. Therefore it is one of the 12 Priority Sites for Enhanced Conservation listed by the Hong Kong government in 2004.

There are a total of 116 Fung Shui Wood species in Hong Kong, and Mui tsz Lam holds 72 of them, making it the top among the city's Fung Shui Woods. The surrounding secondary forests are mature too.

Mui Tsz Lam is a country park enclave, facing threats from development. In the 90s Mui Tsz Lam was purchased by developers, who seeked the government's approval of starting a large-scale development project but was denied. There is concern that the place will be developed in the future.