考察地點 Field Sites

龍尾灘 Lung Mei Shore

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description





Lung Mei Shore is a stretch of natural seashore near Tai Mei Tuk, Tai Po. It has a diverse set of habitats, including muddy shore with rocks, sandflats, estuaries. In the 2000s, the government propose to build an artificial swimming beach at Lung Mei Shore, replacing the natural seashore. Despite urges from green groups to stop the project, it was approved by the Town Planning Board. The effectiveness of mitigation measures proposed, such as to relocate certain species of conservation concern, remains uncertain.

The initial Environmental Impact Assessment for the project was poorly done and recorded fewer than 30 species of organisms and concluded Lung Mei Shore has low biodiversity. However, with continuous field surveys done by HKWildlife, a local web forum of nature enthusiasts, more than 300 species have been recorded in Lung Mei Shore since 2008. Among them are many endangered, threatened and rare species, such as the mud shrimp (Laomedia sp.), the sole (Pardachirus pavoninus), the dragonet (Diplogrammus sp.), Spotted Seahorse, Grass Puffer and Indo-Pacific Tropical Sand Goby. Some species, such as the Spotted Seahorse, breed in the shore.

This incident revealed the failure of the Environmental Impact Assessment system to safeguard Hong Kong's natural environment and have raised public concern. Until the start of 2016, the project was haulted due to judicial review.