考察地點 Field Sites

落馬洲 Lok Ma Chau

生境 Habitats

地點介紹 Site Description




Lok Ma Chau is a Frontier Closed Area next to Shenzhen. It lies beside Shenzhen River. Acroos the river is Futian, Shenzhen.

There are many types of habitats in Lok Ma Chau. Firstly there are wetlands. Lok Ma Chau lies close to Mai Po Wetlands, so common mangrove species, together with wetland organisms and water birds, can be found. Secondly there are partially abandoned farmlands and fish ponds. Despite being abandoned, the ponds still contain enough to feed birds. They also serve the functions of relieving and preventing floods, as well as relieving the hot island effect. Other habitats include wide grass plains, shrublands near She Leng and freshwater river.

In 2008 the government listed the Lok Ma Chau Loop as one of the Ten Infrstructure Development Projects. The Loop was the dumping site of contaminated soil during the training of Shenzhen River. Not only will developing the place lead to the removal of many habitats, it might also harm the wetlands nearby, including the Mai Po Wetlands. On the other hand, the construction of North Link of the MTR might further deteriorate the environment near Kwu Tung and Lok Ma Chau.